Protecting the healthcare workforce have been always the most important challenge for the occupational health and safety authorities, as well as caring to the physical and mental health also have a big value in Islamic tradition. Todays by increasing awareness in society, caring to the occupational health and safety necessities is a major issue in every field of industrial activities.
The Syndicate as the most important nongovernmental guild authority in Tehran province always attempts to Increase the consideration for occupational health and safety. The syndicate also makes the best effort to improve the professional status of safety graduates and safety experts and defenses from their rights.
– Collaborating with the Ministry of Cooperatives Labour and Social Welfare about setting up the Occupational Health and Safety Organization
– Continues attempt to claim and defense of syndicate members rights
– Organizing the technical safety and occupational health committee in Tehran province
– Improving the professional skills and knowledge of institute members by setting up the related training course
– Making job opportunities for syndicate member and improving the career condition for safety experts
– Increasing the level of occupational health and safety in industries by suggesting the syndicate solution for correction the technical safety and occupational health regulations
– Developing the enforcement of HSE protocol in contract companies.
– Proposing the consultant services to every company and organization in professional fields
Syndicate Services
– Recording the information of employers to issuance the safety certificate
– Recording the information of safety authorities and issuance the syndicate membership card
– Setting up the training course in every field of HSE for labors, employers, and safety experts
– Setting up the HSE tours and seminars for experts and employers
Our Accomplishmen
To present, the major activities have accomplished by syndetic are:
• Professional Services
– Recording more than 2800 documents to issuance the safety Certificates for Contractors as the major center for issuance the safety certificate in Tehran
– Introducing safety experts to employers
– Continues attempt to claim and defense of syndicate members rights
– Contributing in Tripartite Assembly of labor Relations in Shiraz
– Contributing in the First Assembly of the Same Manner in Getting Contractors Safety Certificate in Chabahar
– Being a member of major trade unions of the country
– Being a member of the board of directors in trade union confederation in Iran
– The active presence in the professional court of Tehran province by the legal committee
– Being a member of Tehran safety certification committee
• Collaborating with Other Organization
– Collaborating with the Ministry of Cooperatives Labor and Social Welfare about setting up the Occupational Health, and Safety Organization
– Designing and setting up the internet system of getting the safety certificate for contractors all over the country, named ISSAP
– Making a contract with the region 6 headquarters of crisis management for collaborating in crisis managing, hold the training course for employment and doing a research project about the safety of some places and buildings in Tehran
– Making a contract with exceptional talent development center of Tehran University of Medical Science for using the educational facilities.
• Training Services and Publications
The syndicate by using a professional and experienced training team and by collaborating with the Center of Research and Training for Occupational Technical Safety and Health do the best efforts to provides the courses in the highest level of qualification.
Now the syndicate training department holds almost 100 different courses in public and professional type in the country. These courses have various chapters which include the most important issues in HSE. In these years (2015 to present) the training department has gained great results as follows:
set 8 hour employers courses for 3096 persons
set 8 hour labors courses for 30617 persons
set 8 hour and 16 hour safety experts courses for 1161 persons
Passing these course is a great opportunity for every to know about up-to-date principles, methods, and progresses of HSE.
We also honored to:
– Programming to hold NEBOSH and IOSH courses by professional trainers and giving the credible certificate to trainees
– Getting the certificate of conformity to UNI ISO 26000:2010 standard and the certificate of conformity to ISO 10015:1999 standard in appreciate of promoting the culture of safety, health and, environment for community workers and employers from QCB (quality certification bureau) Italy
– Publishing a special journal named “occupational health and safety” to promote the safety culture and coverage the news and temporary issues in this territory.